In our GSRP program, we implement a comprehensive, child-focused, constructivist curriculum model for all enrolled children and supported by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). In a constructivist curriculum model, there is an appropriate balance of child-initiated activities and adult-guided active learning. Throughout each classroom session, teaching teams (Lead and Associate Teachers) intentionally interact with children to build on their understandings and enhance learning. Play and peer-to-peer interaction are vital to provide children with opportunities to engage in abstract thinking, develop self-regulation skills, problem-solving and oral language skills. GSRP reflects the value of play in a written philosophy statement, the comprehensive curriculum, and teacher-parent communication. Teaching teams must have training in the curriculum from a certified trainer of the curriculum to implement an appropriate curriculum.
The curriculum implemented in Centreville is the HighScope Preschool Curriculum. HighScope is based on the principles of active learning and support of a child's positive interactions with adults and peers. The curriculum is a comprehensive model that addresses all areas of development through eight content areas and 58 key developmental indicators (KDIs). Each KDI is connected to and reinforced by scaffolding strategies to support and gently extend children’s learning. While learning in content areas prepares children for later schooling, HighScope features methods that promote independence, curiosity, decision making, cooperation, persistence, creativity, and problem solving in young children.
Social-Emotional Learning
Conscious Discipline is an evidence-based, trauma-informed approach. Conscious Discipline teaches adults to foster safety and connectedness, unleashing the ability to learn and problem-solve. Both children and adults learn to manage their thoughts, feelings and behaviors, empowering them to reach their goals. Core methodology is based on four essential components that are scientifically and practically designed for success:
Brain State Model
​The Conscious Discipline Brain State Model recognizes three basic brain / body / mind states likely to produce certain behaviors. Intentional, state- specific responses enable access to advanced skills.
Seven Powers for Conscious Adults​
​The seven powers create a shift in the way adults see conflict so we can maintain composure and consciously respond to difficult situations. Adults’ ability to self-regulate is the precursor to teaching children social-emotional skills.
​Creating the School Family
​The School Family increases connections between adults and children at all levels, ensuring optimal development for all. A School Family culture is built through consistent modeling of routines, rituals and structures.
​Seven Skills of Discipline
​These seven skills transform everyday discipline issues into teachable moments, equipping children with the social-emotional and communication skills needed to manage themselves, resolve conflict and develop healthy behavior.